Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Walk in the desert

A few new things are blooming and things are starting to move about in the desert.

Below are a few new wildflowers popping up . I like the contrast of the fragile little flowers against the spiny and tough textured cactus. I think this little yellow is a yellow comet or in the Loasa family. Below that is a Blue Dick. (Dichelostemma...lily family)

Finally, at the end of the hike I caught movement as I descended the hill and caught this guy heading across the path. I called to some hikers ahead of me so they could get a shot too. Tempted though I was to get the ultimate shot, I decided not to get too close. He was pretty big, figured 4 0r 5 years.
He was on a mission and really not interested in me so I just let him pass and enjoyed the moment...


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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

First wildflowers

At first glance, the desert is covered with what looks like a carpet of green grass but on closer inspection....really close...you will find these tiny white flowers in the borage family. Cryptantha sp. I'm not sure what this one is specifically but to give an idea of just how small it is, the flower is about half the size of a pin head.
I loved the first picture as it looks to be dancing.
The leaves on these are very hairy . The Popcorn flower is the common name for a variety here in the Sonoran desert.

Here are the first openings of the Blue Dichelostemmas or more commonly called "blue dicks" or wild hyacinthe. These members of the lily family have long whip like leaves and these lovely flowers emerge early in the Sonoran Spring. The Superstitions are covered with them now in full flower.

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